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From The Vast Range To The Prestigious Rolex: A Wild Horse's Tale

Updated: Mar 21

Marissa and Sierra with Moondance | Photo by Alicia Mae Equine Photography
Marissa and Sierra with Moondance | Photo by Alicia Mae Equine Photography

In the heart of Sequim, Washington, Sierra and Marissa Steffen, two sisters, are making waves in wild Mustang training. Steffen Stampede, captured through my lens, isn't just a story; it's a visual journey of passion, dedication, and a unique bond between sisters and these majestic wild horses and their desires to win the first Mustang Classic.

In the vast landscape of the wild mustang world, the Steffen sisters have not only carved a niche for themselves with their exceptional horses but have also emerged as mentors, aiding fellow trainers in the art of gentling mustangs. The Steffen family, including Josh and Erika their parents, and Eliza the youngest sister, has become a recognizable presence at Mustang challenges across Oregon and Washington, leaving an indelible mark on the community.

Steffen Stampede

A pivotal moment of transformation unfolded when Sierra, received an exclusive invitation to the primere Mustang Classic that will be held in Lexington, Kentucky, in September 2024. 

This invitation is more than a recognition of past achievements; it signifies a departure from the ordinary. Unlike typical challenges, the Mustang Classic delves into English disciplines like jumping and dressage, offering Sierra a unique platform to showcase her multifaceted skills. 

What makes this chapter in Steffen Stampede's journey unique is an equine photography sponsorship to document Sierra’s journey with her two Mustang Classic prospects, Dazzle and Moondance.

As I prepare my lens to not merely capture moments; I will meticulously document the unfolding of these human-mustang relationships, adding an extra layer of intrigue and depth to the already riveting tale of Steffen Stampede.

Sierra with Moondance and Dazzle | Photo by Alicia Mae Equine Photography
Sierra with Moondance and Dazzle | Photo by Alicia Mae Equine Photography

Sierra and Dazzle | Photo by Alicia Mae Equine Photography
Sierra and Dazzle | Photo by Alicia Mae Equine Photography

Journey Into The Wild

Sierra and Marissa's equestrian journey commenced in their formative years, laying the foundation for their deep-rooted love for horses, following in their parent’s footsteps. Marissa, enchanted by mustangs since the age of 12, marked her initiation into the world of equine challenges at the "Mustang Yearlings Washington Youth" competition. Here, she achieved an impressive 3rd place in the Youth Division, partnering with Stardust, a white BLM Mustang from Warm Springs HMA in Oregon. This early triumph set the stage for Marissa's ongoing love for training wild mustangs. Marissa's training methods, marked by innovation and embracing unconventional techniques like trick training and bridle-less riding, signify a paradigm shift in the creation of enduring connections with mustangs. Her vision extends to forming an all-m Mustang liberty team, a testament to her commitment to pushing boundaries. Not content with the ordinary, Marissa aspires to compete at a high level in 3-day eventing, a dream fueled by her dedication to developing sport-type mustangs like Stardust and Freesia.

In contrast, Sierra's passion is ignited by the thrill of competition. Her journey with mustangs took flight in 2020 as she successfully tamed Crumpet, a wild burro, clinching 1st place in a challenging 100-day training event. Sierra's subsequent years were marked by triumphs in mustang challenges, where she seamlessly blended in-hand and under-saddle competitions, securing multiple victories and accolades. The year 2022 witnessed Sierra's mastery as she gentled both Peachy Keen and Just Peachy (JP), leading them to wins in mustang challenges across the Pacific Northwest. 

Sierra and Marissa with Moondance | Photo by Alicia Mae Equine Photography
Sierra and Marissa with Moondance | Photo by Alicia Mae Equine Photography
Sierra and Byron get ready for the Teens and Oregon Mustang challenge | Photo by Alicia Mae Equine Photography
Sierra and Byron get ready for the Teens and Oregon Mustang challenge | Photo by Alicia Mae Equine Photography

I had the opportunity to meet the Steffen family in 2022 at the Teens and Oregon Mustang Challenge. I observed Sierra's incredible connection with JP and it left me in awe and sparked my decision to follow the journeys of mustang challenge trainers in 2023. I was eager to delve deeper into this captivating world and it was here that I became mesmerized by mustangs. 

Over the past year, what I have learned within the community is that the Steffen sisters navigate their own training schedules and challenges alongside their own mustangs, but their impact extends much farther beyond personal achievements. They've trained an impressive number of horses, ponies, mustangs, and provided valuable assistance to numerous trainers with their mustangs. Often times at a challenge, I have heard someone say, “the Steffen’s helped me with this part of my training this season”, or “I spent a week with the Steffens and it helped me get so much farther in my training.” 

As events in 2023 happened, Sierra and Marissa spontaneously joined the Teens and Oregon Mustang Challenge at the very last minute. With limited options available, they found themselves with the last two mustangs. Sierra chose Byron, a bay gelding, while Marissa took on the challenge of Encore, a spirited bay mare. The show became a stage for Marissa and Encore, as they elegantly danced through a freestyle in-hand performance, leaving spectators questioning why they hadn't paid to witness such a remarkable display. While Sierra showed the diversity of Byron’s skills in English in her freestyle and Western in the show events. 

Sierra reaches out to give Byron some love after a great workout at the Teens and Oregon Mustang Challenge Photo by Alicia Mae Equine Photography
Sierra reaches out to give Byron some love after a great workout at the Teens and Oregon Mustang Challenge Photo by Alicia Mae Equine Photography

Dazzle | Photo by Alicia Mae Equine Photography
Dazzle | Photo by Alicia Mae Equine Photography

At the conclusion of events like this one, trainers have the option to auction their mustang if they feel the horse is ready for a forever home. Trainers may also keep their horses if they choose. As you may imagine, this part of the event poses a significant challenge for trainers who have invested months in gentling their mustang, earning its trust, and imparting the skills necessary for coexistence in the human world. This year, Byron found an incredible new home, while Encore, not quite prepared for a new environment, returned home to the Steffen farm to continue her training journey. The process is undeniably emotional for the trainers, as they bid farewell to horses they've nurtured and bonded with for more than 100 days. As Sierra embarks on this new chapter with Moondance and Dazzle, she will face tough decisions, and the ultimate success will be gauged not only by how well the wild horses adapt to meet competition objectives but also by how effectively they thrive in a more domesticated lifestyle alongside humans.

Moondance Photo by Alicia Mae Equine Photography
Moondance Photo by Alicia Mae Equine Photography

A Pinnacle Of Equine Excellence

You might have to wait for the challenge to witness Moondance and Dazzle in person, but let me paint a picture of what I observed from our first encounter. Moondance, a stunningly beautiful black and white three-year-old mare, possesses a graceful and deliberate slow movement while 

she extends her trot. She's attentive and observant, carefully studying the humans around her. Impressively, she handles human interaction with ease, allowing Sierra to touch her all over. Moondance particularly enjoys gentle rubs on her face, especially under the halter. While initially appearing stoic, she transforms into a complete snuggle bear, revealing her giant, kind eye.

Sierra and Dazzle Photo by Alicia Mae Equine Photography
Sierra and Dazzle Photo by Alicia Mae Equine Photography

On the other hand, Dazzle exudes an irresistible cuteness with a delicate body structure, despite her sturdy chest and hindquarters. What sets her apart are her long, beautiful eyelashes, flaxen mane and tail, and an adorable mustache. Notably, she boasts the cutest teardrop-shaped nostrils I've ever seen on a horse. Despite her shyness to the touch, Dazzle, with high energy, eagerly steps forward, ready to form a partnership. With a strong curiosity, she quickly warms up to your hand and enjoys gentle rubs and neck scratches. The dynamic energy between these two mares is distinctly different—Moondance's composed nature contrasts with Dazzle's spirited enthusiasm. It promises to be a delightful journey watching them progress under Sierra's training program over the next 10 months. Watch Sierra pick up the mares at the BLM facility in Burns, Oregon.

While Marissa may not be competing in Kentucky this year because of the age limitations, her involvement is pivotal. She also secured a horse from Burns, Oregon, at the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Facility and is dedicated to training him in time for Mustang Classic in Kentucky, so that Sierra will have three horses to choose from for the challenge.

This the foundation of sisterly love. Her expertise, especially in trick training and bridle-less riding, 

adds a unique dimension to the Steffen Stampede approach, and something that might win Sierra first place.

One day while I was with Sierra and Marissa they were talking about the challenge, I recall that Sierra said, “if I win on Marissa’s horse she will get $30,000 and I will get $20,000. She was the one who trained it and did all the hard work.” I looked over at Marissa and she said, “it all goes into the same account, and I may have to use all the money to buy more panels since mine is the wildest we have ever had.” 

As Sierra prepares Dazzel and Moondance for the Mustang Classic in Kentucky, the Steffen Stampede sisters' will continue with their resilience, skill, and unwavering passion for the Mustangs and the people who train and care for them. Over the next year, they will have several other mustangs in training and continue to give lessons at a local equine facility, Fox Bell Farm and Training. The Mustang Classic will be held at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington Kentucky on September 13-15, 2024. If you want to follow Sierra and her progress with Dazzle and Moondance you can follow her on the Range to Rolex story on You Tube

This part of the story comes wraps up, Marissa is on her way to Burns to collect her mustang. Motivated by the Steffen sisters and the staggering number of horses in holding, I found myself inspired to schedule an appointment in Burns to adopt a wild mustang.

Sierra and Marissa bond with Moondance Photo by Alicia Mae Equine Photography
Sierra and Marissa bond with Moondance Photo by Alicia Mae Equine Photography

Marissa, Sierra on the left of Moondance, Erica wraps her arm around Eliza Photo by Alicia Mae Equine Photography
Marissa, Sierra on the left of Moondance, Erica wraps her arm around Eliza Photo by Alicia Mae Equine Photography

Sierra and Dazzle walk the Steffen Farm Photo by Alicia Mae Equine Photography
Sierra and Dazzle walk the Steffen Farm Photo by Alicia Mae Equine Photography

Why Adopt a Wild Mustang?

Adopting a mustang is not just about welcoming a remarkable horse into your life; it's a commitment to conservation and the preservation of these iconic wild horses. With changing habitats and evolving environmental needs, adopting a mustang becomes a crucial step in ensuring the continued existence and well-being of these extraordinary populations.

Wild mustangs face challenges due to habitat changes, human activities, increased population, and the impact of climate change. By choosing to adopt, you actively contribute to the conservation of these majestic creatures, providing them with a stable and caring environment. Many trainers mustang trainers, like the Steffen family, are waiting to help first time mustang owners start their journey. It's a chance to be part of a broader effort to safeguard the legacy and natural beauty of wild mustangs for future generations.

Each adopted mustang represents a story of resilience, adaptability, and a deep connection to the untamed spirit of the American West. By opening your heart and home to a mustang, you play a vital role in preserving their heritage, ensuring they thrive in a world that is rapidly changing around them. Adopting a mustang is not just a choice; it's a powerful statement in support of the conservation and sustainable future of these iconic symbols of freedom.

Invitation To Capture Your Journey:

Step into the spotlight and have your unique story as a mustang trainer beautifully documented by Alicia. Alicia extends a heartfelt invitation to fellow mustang trainers to join her on a collaborative journey of storytelling. Whether you've purchased a mustang at a challenge, or train wild mustangs for yourself or others, Alicia is eager to capture your narrative and tell your story authentically. From the untamed ranges where these magnificent horses roam to the grandeur of prestigious arenas, Alicia is committed to showcasing the profound connection between mustangs and their humans.

Alicia's passion for equine photography has roots in a deeply personal experience. The loss of her cherished horse, Tricky, in 2004 fueled her desire to create intimate portraits that capture the essence of the human-horse bond. In 2023, Alicia embarked on a mission to recreate those cherished moments through her lens. Her goal is to provide women and girls with a legacy gift—an enduring visual story about life with a mustang. Alicia's dedication to her craft is evident in her training and mentorship with acclaimed and award-winning equine photographers Hannah Freeland and Emily Hancock at the Training Barn. She has also honed her skills through training with Kirstie Marie Photography, an award-winning photographer.

If you're a mustang trainer or owner with a compelling story, Alicia is eager to hear from you. Contact her through the Alicia Mae Equine Photography website ( 

or send her an email 

Alicia with her mustang Skyler, a 4-year old bay from the Palomino Butte HMA.
Alicia with her mustang Skyler, a 4-year old bay from the Palomino Butte HMA.

Alicia Mae Equine Photography

Article submitted by Alicia Amerson,

Photographer at Alicia Mae Equine Photography



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